Patricia Lavand'homme - Research clinician (IONS/CEMO)

Dept. of Anaesthesiology
Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc
Head of the Transitional Pain Clinic
Group members
Responsiveness of multiple patient-reported outcome measures for acute postsurgical pain: primary results from the international multi-centre PROMPT NIT-1 study
Br J Anaesth
Vollert J, Segelcke D, Weinmann C, Schnabel K, Fuchtmann F, Rosenberger DC, Komann M, Maessen T, Sauer L, Kalso E, Fletcher D, Lavand'homme P, Kaiser U, Liedgens H, Meissner W, Pogatzki-Zahn EM
Pain management after cardiac surgery via median sternotomy: A systematic review with procedure-specific postoperative pain management (PROSPECT) recommendations
Eur J Anaesthesiol
Maeßen T, Korir N, Van de Velde M, Kennes J, Pogatzki-Zahn E, Joshi GP; PROSPECT Working Group of the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy
Pain management after elective craniotomy: A systematic review with procedure-specific postoperative pain management (PROSPECT) recommendations
Eur J Anaesthesiol
Mestdagh FP, Lavand'homme PM, Pirard G, Joshi GP, Sauter AR, Van de Velde M, PROSPECT Working Group of the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy (ESRA)
Benefits versus harm of intraoperative glucocorticoid for postoperative nausea and vomiting prophylaxis
Br J Anaesth
Lavand'homme P, Kehlet H
Prolonged continuous wound infusion of local anesthetic and steroid after major abdominal surgery to reduce opioid consumption: a randomized, double-blind trial
Minerva Anestesiol
Bugada D, Compagnone C, Bettinelli S, Grimaldi S, DE Gregori M, Muscoli C, Berretta R, Cobianchi L, Peloso A, Lorini L, Lavand'homme P, Allegri M.
Comparison between pupillometry and numeric pain rating scale for pain assessments in communicating adult patients in the emergency department
Eur J Pain
Gregoire C, Charier D, de Bergeyck R, Mouraux A, Van Ouytsel F, Lambert R, Zhou N, Lavand'homme P, Penaloza A, Pickering G.
in press.
Use of regional analgesia to prevent the conversion from acute to chronic pain
Curr Opin Anaesthesiol
Geradon P, Lavand'homme P
Pain management after total knee arthroplasty: PROcedure SPEcific Postoperative Pain ManagemenT recommendations
Eur J Anaesthesiol
Lavand'homme PM, Kehlet H, Rawal N, Joshi GP; PROSPECT Working Group of the European Society of Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Therapy (ESRA).
Procedural Sedation With Dexmedetomidine in Combination With Ketamine in the Emergency Department
J Emerg Med
Grégoire C, De Kock M, Henrie J, Cren R, Lavand'homme P, Penaloza A, Verschuren F.