Valéry Legrain - Principal investigator (IONS/COSY)
Group :
The main research interest of the team led by Valery Legrain (IONS/COSY) is to understand the cognitive mechanisms modulating the link between nociception and the conscious perception of pain, and the neurobiological substrates of these cognitive mechanisms. Different approaches are used: neurophysiology (event-related brain potentials), cognitive psychology (mental chronometry) and neuropsychology (investigation of patients with sensory-motor or attentional deficits).
Atypical influence of biomechanical knowledge in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-towards a different perspective on body representation
Sci Rep
Filbrich L, Verfaille C, Vannuscorps G, Berquin A, Barbier O, Libouton X, Fraselle V, Mouraux D, Legrain V
Biological and psychological early prognostic factors in complex regional pain syndrome: a systematic review.
Eur J Pain
Louis MH, Meyer C, Legrain V, Berquin A.
in press.