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Charlotte Verfaille - former PhD student

Group : 

Valéry Legrain


My research project aimed to investigate how pain affects cognitive abilities to perceive and act in external space. More specifically, using robotic technology and virtual reality, these abilities were investigated in chronic pain patients.




Atypical influence of biomechanical knowledge in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-towards a different perspective on body representation

Sci Rep

Filbrich L, Verfaille C, Vannuscorps G, Berquin A, Barbier O, Libouton X, Fraselle V, Mouraux D, Legrain V

in press.


Characterizing biased visuospatial perception in complex regional pain syndrome

Eur J Pain

Filbrich L, Kuzminova A, Molitor V, Verfaille C, Mouraux D, Berquin A, Barbier O, Libouton X, Legrain V

in press.


Visuomotor impairments in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome during pointing tasks


Verfaille C, Filbrich L, Rossetti Y, Berquin A, Mouraux D, Barbier O, Libouton X, Fraselle V, Legrain V.

in press.


Robot-assisted line bisection in patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

PLoS One

Verfaille C, Filbrich L, Cordova Bulens D, Lefèvre P, Berquin A, Barbier O, Libouton X, Fraselle V, Mouraux D, Legrain V.

in press.


Biased visuospatial perception in complex regional pain syndrome

Nature : Scientific Reports

Filbrich L, Alamia A, Verfaille C, Barbier O, Libouton X, Fraselle V, Mouraux D, Berquin A, Legrain V.

in press.

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