Emanuel van den Broeke
The main objective of my research was to study pain - or nociception- induced central nervous system plasticity. Currently, my studies are focused on characterizing changes in nociceptive pathways that lead or contribute to hyperalgesia, and I am, thereby, particularly interested in the phenomenon of "central sensitization"; the increase responsiveness of nociceptive neurons in the central nervous system that generates widespread hyperalgesia ("secondary hyperalgesia").
Group members
Studying the effect of expectations on high-frequency electrical stimulation-induced pain and pinprick hypersensitivity
J Pain
Gousset S, Cayrol T, Papleux M, Meulders A, Mouraux A, van den Broeke EN
in press
Pinprick-induced gamma-band oscillations are not a useful electrophysiological marker of pinprick hypersensitivity in humans
Clin Neurophysiol
Gousset S, Torta DM, Mouraux A, Lambert J, van den Broeke EN.
Chronic temporomandibular disorders are associated with higher susceptibility to developing central sensitization: a case-control study
Cayrol T, van den Broeke EN, Gerard E, Meeus M, Mouraux A, Roussel N, Pitance L.
in press.
Multichannel transcranial direct current stimulation over the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex may modulate the induction of secondary hyperalgesia, a double-blinded cross-over study in healthy volunteers.
PLoS One
Steyaert A, Lenoir C, Lavand'homme P, van den Broeke EN, Mouraux A.
Evidence for alterations to dynamic quantitative sensory tests in patients with chronic temporomandibular myalgia: A systematic review of observational studies with meta-analysis
J Oral Rehabil
Cayrol T, Meeus M, Aron V, Gatto C, Mouraux A, Roussel NA, Sallaz L, van den Broeke EN, Pitance L.