Cool-evoked brain potentials (CEPs)
A few studies showed that brisk innocuous cooling of the skin can be used to elicit CEPs related to the activation of cool-sensitive Adelta fibers [34, 41]. However, the responses reported in these previous studies had a low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), probably due to the limited cooling ramps achieved by the cooling devices, leading to poor time-locking of the activity generatedin cool-sensitive afferents. Recently, we recorded CEPs using a thermode prototype developed by Pr A. Dufour (Strasbourg University) [42]. The device is able to generate very steep cooling ramps of up to 300°C/s. Brisk innocuous cooling of the skin using such ramps elicit CEPs with a high SNR, opening new possibilities to study cool and cold perception in humans.
Researchers involved
Spatial Filtering of EEG Signals to Identify Periodic Brain Activity Patterns
Latent Variable Analysis and Signal Separation LVA/ICA
Mulders D, de Bodt C, Lejeune N, Mouraux A, Verleysen M.
In: Deville Y, Gannot S, Mason R, Plumbley M, Ward D (eds). Lecture notes in Computer Science, vol 10891. Springer
Psychophysical study of the effects of topical application of menthol in healthy volunteers
Hatem S, Attal N, Willer JC, Bouhassira D.