Neuropathic pain
Chronic pain is major healthcare problem worldwide, and pain relief often constitutes a problematic challenge to the physician. At present, laser-evoked potentials are considered to be the best available diagnostic tool to assess the function of the nociceptive system and to diagnose the neuropathic nature of pain. Currently, we are conducting a number of studies in humans aiming at better understanding the pathophysiological mechanisms leading to central and peripheral neuropathic pain. For example, the laboratory is developing new methods for the functional and structural characterization of small-fibre peripheral neuropathies (quantitative sensory testing, laser-evoked potentials, immunohistological assessment of skin biopsies), and to study the mechanisms involved in central pain related to syringomyelia.

Researchers involved
Inflammation-associated regulation of RGS in astrocytes and putative implication in neuropathic pain
Journal of Neuroinflammation
Doyen PJ, Vergouts M, Pochet A, Desmet N, van Neerven S, Brook G, Hermans E.
Clinical evidence for dorsal root ganglion stimulation in the treatment of chronic neuropathic pain. A review.
Acta Anaesthesiologica Belgica
Forget P, Boyer T, Steyaert A, Masquelier E, Deumens R, Le Polain de Waroux B.
Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Progenitors Assist Functional Sensory Axon Regeneration after Dorsal Root Avulsion Injury
Nature : Scientific Reports.
Hoeber J, Trolle C, Konig N, Du Z, Gallo A, Hermans E, Aldskogius H, Shortland P, Zhang SC, Deumens R, Kozlova EN.
Inhibition of the regulator of G protein signalling RGS4 in the spinal cord decreases neuropathic hyperalgesia and restores cannabinoid CB1 receptor signalling
British Journal of Pharmacology
Bosier B, Doyen PJ, Brolet A, Muccioli GG, Ahmed E, Desmet N, Hermans E, Deumens R.
Modulation of spinal glial reactivity by intrathecal PPF is not sufficient to inhibit mechanical allodynia induced by nerve crush
Neuroscience Research
Gallo A, Dimiziani A, Damblon J, Michot B, Des Rieux A, De Kock M, Hermans E, Deumens R.
PrÈdiction de la douleur postopÈratoire sÈvËre et de la persistance de la douleur postchirurgicale par des tests psychophysiques
Douleur et Analgésie
Plaghki L, Mouraux A.
27(3): 154-161
Influence of intrathecal delivery of bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells on spinal inflammation and pain hypersensitivity in a rat model of peripheral nerve injury
Journal of Neuroinflammation
Schäfer S, Berger JV, Deumens R, Goursaud S, Hanisch UK, Hermans E.
Up-regulation of spinal microglial Iba-1 expression persists after resolution of neuropathic pain hypersensitivity
Neuroscience Letters
Leinders M, Knaepen L, De Kock M, Sommer C, Hermans E, Deumens R.
Asymptomatic small fiber neuropathy in diabetes mellitus: investigations with intraepidermal nerve fiber density, quantitative sensory testing and laser-evoked potential
Journal of Neurology
Ragé M, Van Acker N, Knaapen MW, Timmers M, Streffer J, Hermans Mp, Sindic C, Meert T, Plaghki L.
Enhanced neuroinflammation and pain hypersensitivity after peripheral nerve injury in rats expressing mutated superoxide dismutase 1
Journal of Neuroinflammation
Berger JV, Deumens R, Goursaud S, Schäfer S, Lavandhomme P, Joosten EA, Hermans E.