Athanasia Moungou - former PhD student (ITN Prototouch)

The aim of this PhD project was be to develop a new approach to isolate and characterize the cortical activity elicited by the mechanical interactions between the contacting finger pad and tactile displays. Using such stimuli, we will use high-density electroencephalography (EEG) to sample, non-invasively, the cortical activity elicited by mechanotransduction of the finger pad interactions with the tactile displays. Specifically, I developped a new technique based on the recording of steady-state evoked potentials (SS-EPs) to study the cortical processes underlying the perception of complex fine-grained textures.
Group members
Using EEG (SS-EPs) to characterize the brain activity in response to textured stimuli in passive touch
IEEE World Haptics Conference
Moungou A, Thonnard JL, Mouraux A.
7177700: 113-118