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Lieve Filbrich - postdoc

Group : 

Giulia Liberati


When we feel pain, our brain automatically locates it but also detects, through our vision, what provokes it. Thus it coordinates different sensory modalities: touch and perception of pain to monitor our body, and vision to track our environment. If vision and feeling pain are coordinated by the brain, what happens if one of these two senses is disrupted? Lieve Filbrich tries to answer that question. We want to analyse what happens at the visual level if we suffer chronic pain, and more specifically in the space that surrounds the afflicted limb.




Atypical influence of biomechanical knowledge in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome-towards a different perspective on body representation

Sci Rep

Filbrich L, Verfaille C, Vannuscorps G, Berquin A, Barbier O, Libouton X, Fraselle V, Mouraux D, Legrain V

in press.


Characterizing biased visuospatial perception in complex regional pain syndrome

Eur J Pain

Filbrich L, Kuzminova A, Molitor V, Verfaille C, Mouraux D, Berquin A, Barbier O, Libouton X, Legrain V

in press.


Perceptual simultaneity between nociceptive and visual stimuli depends on their spatial congruence

Exp Brain Res

Manfron L, Filbrich L, Molitor V, Farnè A, Mouraux A, Legrain V

in press.


Letter on the pain of blind people for the use of those who can see their pain


Legrain V, Filbrich L, Vanderclausen C.

in press.


No evidence for an effect of selective spatial attention on the development of secondary hyperalgesia: a replication study

Front Hum Neurosci

Della Porta D, Vila ML, Kuzminova A, Filbrich L, Mouraux A, Legrain V.

in press.


Measuring the sensitivity of tactile temporal order judgments in sighted and blind participants using the adaptive psi method

Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics

Vanderclausen C, Filbrich L, De Volder A, Legrain V.

in press.


Visuomotor impairments in Complex Regional Pain Syndrome during pointing tasks


Verfaille C, Filbrich L, Rossetti Y, Berquin A, Mouraux D, Barbier O, Libouton X, Fraselle V, Legrain V.

in press.


Investigating perceptual simultaneity between nociceptive and visual stimuli by means of temporal order judgments

Neuroscience Letters

Manfron L, Filbrich L, Nijs E, Mouraux A, Legrain V.

in press.


The focus of spatial attention during the induction of central sensitization can modulate the subsequent development of secondary hyperalgesia


Filbrich L, van den Broeke E, Legrain V, Mouraux .

in press.


Seeing or not Seeing Where Your Hands Are. The Influence of Visual Feedback About Hand Position on the Interaction Between Nociceptive and Visual Stimuli

Multisensory Research

Manfron L, Legrain V, Filbrich L.

in press.


Robot-assisted line bisection in patients with Complex Regional Pain Syndrome

PLoS One

Verfaille C, Filbrich L, Cordova Bulens D, Lefèvre P, Berquin A, Barbier O, Libouton X, Fraselle V, Mouraux D, Legrain V.

in press.


Unimodal and crossmodal extinction of nociceptive stimuli in healthy volunteers

Behabioural Brain Research

Filbrich L, Blandiaux S, Manfron L, Farnè A, De Keyser R, Legrain V.

in press.


Does the body shape visuospatial perception?


Legrain V, Manfron L, Garcia M, Filbrich L.

in press.


No perceptual prioritization of non-nociceptive vibrotactile and visual stimuli presented on a sensitized body part

Nature: Scientific Reports

Torta D, Filbrich L, van den Broeke E, Legrain V.

in press.


Investigating the spatial characteristics of the crossmodal interaction between nociception and vision using gaze direction

Consciousness and Cognition

Filbrich L, Halicka M, Alamia A, Legrain V.

in press.

Institute of Neuroscience (IONS) - Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)

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