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Solenn Gousset - PhD student

Group : 

André Mouraux


Within the H2020 QSPainRelief project (, we will conduct a clinical study in patients suffering from disabling post-operative to assess the different effects of combinatorial treatments on the central nervous system using EEG and other non-invasive electrophysiological techniques and relate these effects to real-life clinical efficacy and safety. The data generated by this clinical study will be used to calibrate a model to predict response to combinatorial treatments for pain.




Pinprick-induced gamma-band oscillations are not a useful electrophysiological marker of pinprick hypersensitivity in humans

Clin Neurophysiol

Gousset S, Torta DM, Mouraux A, Lambert J, van den Broeke EN.



Burst-like conditioning electrical stimulation is more efficacious than continuous stimulation for inducing secondary hyperalgesia in humans

Journal of Neurophysiology

Gousset S, Mouraux A, van den Broeke EN.



Heterosynaptic facilitation of mechanical nociceptive input is dependent on the frequency of conditioning stimulation

Journal of Neurophysiology

van den Broeke EN, Gousset S, Bouvy J, Stouffs A, Lebrun L, van Neerven SGA, Mouraux A.


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