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Diana Torta - former postdoc (UCL MoveIn)

Group : 

André Mouraux


My main research interest is to understand how attention shapes the elaboration and perception of nociceptive and non-nociceptive inputs, both in healthy and in clinical populations. In 2013, Diana Torta joined the NOCIONS group at UCLouvain on an co-funded Marie Curie-Academie UCLouvain scholarship to explore human nociception and its modulation. In 2016, she obtained a Chargé de Recherche grant from the Fondation National de la Recherche Scientifique (FNRS) and a post-doc position at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at KULeuven. Using novel techniques based on electroecencephalography, the objective of her postdoctorate research fellowship was to characterize the role of vision and spatial attention on the elaboration of somatosensory stimuli, in particular, nociceptive somatosensory stimuli. In 2019, Diana Torta obtained an academic position at the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at KULeuven.




Pinprick-induced gamma-band oscillations are not a useful electrophysiological marker of pinprick hypersensitivity in humans

Clin Neurophysiol

Gousset S, Torta DM, Mouraux A, Lambert J, van den Broeke EN.

in press.


High-frequency electrical stimulation of cutaneous nociceptors differentially affects pain perception elicited by homotopic and heterotopic electrical stimuli

J Neurophysiol

van den Broeke EN, Urdi M, Mouraux A, Biurrun Manresa J, Torta DM

in press.


Perceptual correlates of homosynaptic long term potentiation in human nociceptive pathways: a replication study

Royal Society Open Science

van den Broeke EN, Vanmaele T, Mouraux A, Stouffs A, Biurrun-Manresa J, Torta DM

in press.


Rating the Intensity of a Laser Stimulus, but Not Attending to Changes in Its Location or Intensity Modulates the Laser-Evoked Cortical Activity

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Torta DME, Ninghetto M, Ricci R, Legrain V.

in press.


Central sensitization of nociceptive pathways demonstrated by robot-controlled pinprick-evoked brain potentials

Clinical Neurophysiology

van den Broeke EN, de Hemptinne P, Mercken M, Torta DM, Lambert J, Mouraux A.

in press.


Rating the intensity of a laser stimulus, but not attending to changes in its location or intensity modulates the laser-evoked cortical activity

Frontiers in Human Neuroscience

Torta DME, Ninghetto M, Ricci R, Legrain V.

in press.


A highly cognitive demanding working memory task may prevent the development of nociceptive hypersensitivity


Torta DME, De Laurentis M, Eichin KN, Von Leupoldt A, van den Broeke EN, Vlaeyen J.

in press.


Fast Periodic Visual Stimulation to study tool-selective processing in the human brain

Experimental Brain Research

De Keyser R, Mouraux A, Quek GL, Torta DM, Legrain V.

in press.


Central sensitization: explanation or phenomenon?

Clinical Psychological Science

van den Broeke EN, Torta DM, Van den Bergh O.

in press.


No perceptual prioritization of non-nociceptive vibrotactile and visual stimuli presented on a sensitized body part

Nature: Scientific Reports

Torta D, Filbrich L, van den Broeke E, Legrain V.

in press.


Attentional Modulation of Somatosensory Processing During the Anticipation of Movements Accompanying Pain: An Event-Related Potential Study

The Journal of Pain

Clauwaert A, Torta DM, Danneels L, Van Damme S.

in press.


Phase-locked and non-phase-locked EEG responses to pinprick stimulation before and after experimentally-induced secondary hyperalgesia

Clinical Neurophysiology

van den Broeke EN, de Vries B, Lambert J, Torta DM, Mouraux A.

in press.


Attention to pain! A neurocognitive perspective on attentional modulation of pain in neuroimaging studies


Torta D, Legrain V, Mouraux A, Valentini E.

in press.


Intense pain influences the cortical processing of visual stimuli projected onto the sensitized skin


Torta DM, van den Broeke EN, Filbrich L, Jacob B, Lambert J, Mouraux A.

in press.


Mechanical pinprick pain in patients with unilateral spatial neglect: The influence of space representation on the perception of nociceptive stimuli

European Journal of Pain

Vizzari V, Barba S, Gindri P, Duca S, Giobbe D, Cerrato P, Geminiani G, Torta DM.

in press.

Institute of Neuroscience (IONS) - Université catholique de Louvain (UCL)

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