Emmanuel Hermans - Principal investigator (IONS/CEMO)
Group :
The research group of Prof. Emmanuel Hermans (IONS/CEMO) has a long-standing expertise in the use of animal models to study the neuroinflammation and plastic changes of the central nervous system induced by neurotrauma, and its involvement in the development of neuropathic pain. His laboratory has experience in the production of animal models of neuropathic pain, the techniques used to study the pain behaviour of these animals, and the immune-histological techniques to characterize the glial activation and changes in nociceptive pathways at peripheral, spinal and supra-spinal level.
Structural investigation of human cystine/glutamate antiporter system xc- (Sxc-) using homology modeling and molecular dynamics
Front Mol Biosci
Hang TD, Hung HM, Beckers P, Desmet N, Lamrani M, Massie A, Hermans E, Vanommeslaeghe K.
in press.
AMPK Modulates the Metabolic Adaptation of C6 Glioma Cells in Glucose-Deprived Conditions without Affecting Glutamate Transport
Belo do Nascimento I, Verfaillie M, Ates G, Beckers P, Joris V, Desmet N, Massie A, Hermans E.
in press.
Validation of a System xc- Functional Assay in Cultured Astrocytes and Nervous Tissue Samples
Front Cell Neurosci
Beckers P, Lara O, Belo do Nascimento I, Desmet N, Massie A, Hermans E.
in press.
Receptor density influences ligand-induced dopamine D2L receptor homodimerization
Eur J Pharmacol
Ferraiolo M, Atik H, Ponthot R, Belo do Nascimento I, Beckers P, Stove C, Hermans E.
in press.
Neurokinin-1 receptor-based bivalent drugs in pain management: The journey to nowhere?
Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Kleczkowska P, Nowicka K, Bujalska-Zadrozny M, Hermans E.
in press.
Fibroadhesive scarring of grafted collagen scaffolds interferes with implant-host neural tissue integration and bridging in experimental spinal cord injury
Regenerative Biomaterials
Altinova H, Hammes S, Palm M, Gerardo-Nava J, Achenbach P, Deumens R, Hermans E, Führmann T, Boecker A, van Neerven SGA, Bozkurt A, Weis J, Brook GA.
in press.
Post-operative pain in mice is prolonged by diet-induced obesity and rescued by dietary intervention
Brain, Behavior, and Immunity
Guillemot-Legris O, Buisseret B, Mutemberezi V, Hermans E, Deumens R, Alhouayek M, Muccioli GG.
in press.
Constitutive downregulation protein kinase C epsilon in hSOD1G93A astrocytes influences mGluR5 signaling and the regulation of glutamate uptake
Vergouts M, Doyen PJ, Peeters M, Opsomer R, Hermans E.
in press.
Inflammation-associated regulation of RGS in astrocytes and putative implication in neuropathic pain
Journal of Neuroinflammation
Doyen PJ, Vergouts M, Pochet A, Desmet N, van Neerven S, Brook G, Hermans E.
in press.
Immunohistochemical comparison of astrocytic mGluR5 upregulation in infraorbital nerve- versus sciatic nerve-ligated rat.
Neuroscience Letters
Michot B, Deumens R, Hermans E.
in press.
PKC epsilon-dependent calcium oscillations associated with metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 prevent agonist-mediated receptor desensitization in astrocytes
Journal of Neurochemistry
Vergouts M, Doyen PJ, Peeters M, Opsomer R, Michiels T, Hermans E.
in press.
Human Embryonic Stem Cell-Derived Progenitors Assist Functional Sensory Axon Regeneration after Dorsal Root Avulsion Injury
Nature : Scientific Reports.
Hoeber J, Trolle C, Konig N, Du Z, Gallo A, Hermans E, Aldskogius H, Shortland P, Zhang SC, Deumens R, Kozlova EN.
in press.